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tv   Crossfire  CNN  December 10, 2013 3:30pm-4:01pm PST

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both of the lawmakers said this is not what they want, but they both said, look, we are in divided government. this is what we're going to get. >> dana, look, there's opposition on both sides of this deal, thoechlt can you help us understand what some of the concerns are from democrats and republicans? >> sure. let's start with some of the democrats, the liberals. they are not happy because of the way some of the changes are paid for is by forcing federal workers and those in the military to contribute more to their pensions. that's not something that a lot of democrats like. they also wish that there was an extension of unemployment benefits in this, that is not in this deal. on the republican side, you have a lot of conservative opposition from the outside, a lot of group, including the famous koch brothers who have really financed a lot of conservative campaigns writing a letter warning conservatives to vote against this because they like those forced spending cuts because it keeps spending down in a way that doesn't allow for members of congress to change
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things. so that is, certainly, a problem on the conservative side, but you did hear paul ryan say he's confident this is going to pass the house. you've seen this movie before. things change when republicans get in a room. we're going to watch for an important meeting among house republicans to hash this out and make sure that they can actually pass it. the deadline is by the end of the week. >> thanks, dana. we appreciate it. in the crossfire, congressman shipp, are you happy with what paul ryan and his counterpart announced today in. >> i'm pleased that we're back to negotiating again and we may avoid another fiscal cliff or shock to the economy. but i'm skeptical of what i've heard so far. i don't want to see something balanced on the backs of
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employees. so is it balanced? that's one of the questions i'm going to have. i don't like the fact there's no unemployment extension in this. i don't know about where we're going with revenue, i think tacking on fees to airline tickets is a strange way. i would like to see us do away with farm subsidies to major agra businesses that don't need them. >> it's good that we're moving forward, but i turn to you, congressman. a lot of conservative groups have already come out saying they hate this thing. americans for prosperity hates t heritage hates it. freedom works hates it. are you in the name of moving forward and getting some deal, are you willing to buck those conservative voices and stick with paul ryan?
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>> i think far too often the question is can we make a deal. i'd like to say can we find a solution. it's more spending for both sides. most conservatives would agree that's the problem in washington. i don't know how a deal is good for conservatives or americans. if spending is going to go up. >> given what you know and that the alternative would be a shutdown, would you be willing to support it for now? are you willing to support paul ryan now, knowing what you know now, would you vote for it. >> i would not. and it's usually not a binary choice. at the end of the day, in august 2011, we said we're going to have some hard caps on spending, and what they're trying to do is blow through these caps. our leadership has said again and again, this is the one thing we've achieved for $3 trillion in increases in the deficit. >> you're suggesting for republicans who have just weathered some not fun weather
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during the first shutdown, you're suggesting for republicans that it's better that they reject a bad medium-term deal or you're saying it's better to go through another shutdown than to accept a bad medium-term deal. >> i'm surprised leadership would even be offering this. we've talked about their again and again. paul ryan's been very clear about that. we need not just short term, but long-term solutions. >> do you feel that paul ryan has sold you out? you saw him at this press conference. he was not saying the things he was saying now. do you feel like paul ryan has sold you out? >> i will not say that, but at the end of the day, spending is going up. if republicans and conservatives have said for years we've been spending too much money, bipartisan usually scares us. that means more spending at the end of the day. will let me ask you a similar question. paul ryan rarely gets credit for work across the aisle, and he
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does it frequently. >> i give him credit for that. for trying to hammer something out. it may or may not fly. >> all we hear is the intransgent republicans. >> i think he deserves credit. this is not ease tee to sell to his own conference. i don't know whether we'll get there. we're going to lose a substantial number of republicans. we're going to lose a substantial number of democrats if we what we hear about the bill is that it doesn't go after any of the special interest tax breaks that democrats would like to see help finance an end to the sequester. democrats don't like the sequester level. we feel this is an austerity budget that is doing damage to the economy. i think if we had an economy, if we had a budget that was making an investment in infrastructure and jobs and we were able to pass the president's jobs bill, our economy would have fully
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recovered from their session by now. so i don't think any of this is good economics. the only question is, is this less worst economics than going through with the sequester. >> wasn't the sequester good for you guys? wasn't the sequester good for democrats in that you got those defense cuts you wanted and you got to paint republicans as being cold-hearted, slashing those social programs. >> i don't think it was good for democrats at all. and democrats don't think it was good for the country. and we're not willing to trade even a short-term political advantage for something that's damage the country. a lot of us feel that the defense cuts are too steep too fast. they don't let it go that you more methodical way. there are still millions of people struggling to get by, still struggling to find work and stay in their homes. and all of this seems very
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unnecessary and a result of this austerity budget. >> one of the things that i am interested in, talking about giving credit to paul ryan. i want to give credit to president obama. president obama in some ways has defamed the tea party. you are a very strong hero for the tea party movement, you had one weapon, a super weapon, that was the shutdown. and president obama stood his ground, let you guys overshoot on the last shutdown. you can never fire that weapon again. and now have to take what you can get. don't you have to give president obama a little bit of credit for having paid this chess game. >> it was harry reid. one thing we can't forget is it was president obama and the two folks who announced the deal. i voted against the budget control act that started the sequester. washington said it was the worst thing ever, but they all took credit for it in august of 2011. if it was such a bad deal, why did they agree to it?
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at the end of the day we understand we have a spending problem. and this increases spending. >> i supported the budget control act, and i think that many of us who did made one fundamental miss judgment, and that is that we thought within the republican caucus there would be such strong opposition to the defense cuts that they would never go along, that was the gamble. but in fact, as it turned out, the deficit hawks who are more powerful than the defense hawks, and that was a miscalculation, and we are all now paying a serious price for that. >> we'll come back after the break. speaker john boehner is going to need some democratic votes to get this bill through the house. what, will that spark a republican revolt that could cost the speaker his job?
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welcome back. in the crossfire tonight we have democratic congressman adam schiff and tim fuse camp. we have reaction coming in to the just announced deal to avoiding another government shutdown. we're going to go back to cnn's correspondent dana bash. >> reporter: just to recap, this is a deal that would last for two years. it would do away with those forced spending cuts and instead put in some new cuts. but raise the level of spending for the next year at least. and that is something that paul ryan, who is the ark tent on the republican side of this deal said that is necessary, because there's divided government, but
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guess what, as you can imagine, not all of his republican colleagues agree, especially some others who might want to run for president in 2016, senator marco rubio just released a statement saying that he opposes this, because he says this does nothing to deal with the long-term problems in the budget, dealing with the debt and deficit, and also, because he likes those forced spending cuts. and this is something that you've heard from conservative groups all day long, writing letters to conservative members of congress, saying please oppose this, because they don't want to do away with those spending caps. because that's, they feel that that is really the only way, in the short term, to force congress to keep spending in the government down. so you definitely a 2016 presidential fight already shaping up. people say well, maybe it's too early to talk about the presidential race. no way. so much of this calculation going on, on both sides, all about that. >> never too early for us here at crossfire.
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we're happy to have that debate. all right. while this deal is controversial, it's almost something we never see here in washington, a bipartisan compromise. >> as a conservative, i think this is a step in the right direction. what am i getting out of this? i'm getting more deficit reduction. so the deficit will go down more by passing this than if we did nothing. that's point you number one. point number two, there are no tax increases here. point number try, we're finally starting to deal with auto pilot spending, that mandatory spending that has not been addressed by congress for years. look, this isn't easy. >> so congressman, democrats are giving up some stuff in this. is paul ryan wrong that what are you getting is not enough to push you over the edge with this bill? >> we are a little disadvantaged, we haven't seen the full details. but as i understand it, spending will be up higher. but this isn't an unprecedented
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deal. this happened in december 2011 and it happened last december as well. every time there's some bipartisan agreement, there's more spending in washington. they did the same thing each december, and i think at the end of the day as was indicated by senator rubio, this doesn't get to the heart of the problem which is spending. moving it a few dollars isn't good enough. >> i know the deal you want. i underen sta. i understand the disappointment in the deals that boehner has put forth and he's gotten republicans to sign off on. i get it. could we ever get the kind of deal you want? >> i think we've always settled for less than we can get with this leadership. at the end of the day, the american people want better than this. and they're going to say, this is what you did? this is considered a great, bipartisan deal? and at the end of the day, spending's going to go up. the deficit is going to be higher. >> you used a very interesting word. you said leadership. that brings the question boehner. boehner is now in a very tough situation. and he's going to be looking
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over his shoulder at people like you. is his speakership in jeopardy? he can't get you. whether he does that, does that put his speakership in jeopardy, will you stay with bain oehnerb? >> i don't see any speaker losing at midterm. they haven't even asked us. we've been out of town for the weekend. and all of a sudden think haey this deal. >> let me point out two problems with the hastert rule. there are major issues we have been fighting on for decades. the immigration rule. by sticking to this artificial rule, you're prohibiting a bipartisan agreement. it would be a strong bipartisan vote that would send that package to the president. and there are a lot of other
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priorities that could go to the president but for that rule. now it does require the speaker to show leadership and it does require him to stare down some of the tea party caucus. >> what was the pelosi rule that prevented immigration to come to the floor when she was speaker? why didn't she pass a bill? to blame it on the republicans, there was some rule. they didn't want to do it then. >> what changed that equation, frankly, was the elections, and the republican recognition -- >> two straight years to do whatever you wanted to do. >> if he ever wanted a shot at the white house again, they needed to show flexibility in immigration. and that's a positive change, but we are so close, and to come this close after ten years and see it held up by not even a statute, simply a policy called the hastert rule is a terrible disservice to the country. >> let me bring it to the current debate and the budget news out today. i want to ask you congressman schiff about the potential and
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the news that we're getting that the unemployment benefits extension is not in this. is that a deal breaker for you? and hey, if nancy pelosi gets the votes, will she have caved on a really crucial issue for democrats? >> let's hope we can put together a side deal that does pass unemployment compensation. >> let me ask you about this deal, is it a deal breaker for this deal? >> i don't know if it's a deal breaker for this deal. it depends on what else is in it. >> but for democrats, shouldn't it be? >> i can hear this in 2014 being a big deal. >> you know as much about this as anybody. but you're talking about 1.3 million active job seekers. you're talking about 20,000 veterans being tleen under the bus right before christmas and democrats signing off on that. can you sign off on that? in a side deal? >> it's going to have to mean that the rest of this agreement has a lot to offer. and this is why i started off at
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the beginning of our conversation saying i'm very skeptical. because it unemployment is not included. if it is unfairly balanced on the backs of federal workers, it's not going to have my support, and i think it's not going to have a lot of democrats' support. >> i don't think that's going to stand. >> what i hope will happen is that will sweeten the deal. >> that's a big risk that you have to take. >> voting for this in hope that something else will come down the line. >> we only have a few days so we'll know about the one when we know about the other. >> we have to get more information. we want to get some reaction from our senior white house correspondent. >> reporter: early reaction as we await an official statement, they're looking on this very favorably. one white house official saying they see this as being a very positive development so i'm reading it off my iphone.
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they say it is great to move beyond governing by crisis. they said the sequester is doing real harm. this is a balanced package that helps deal with that and adding that they don't love everything but that's what company is about. so i think this is certainly what president obama will be saying that he supports. he is currently on his way back from africa and we are waiting for official reaction. >> just one question. the president has spend an awful lot of political capital last week. his entire speech to the country, his weekly address was about the un, unemployment insurance. he was talking about active job seekers. you've got this deal on the table that has nothing about that. the white house is saying that's a good thing? >> reporter: they're not saying that's a good thing. let me explain what we've heard from jay carny. the preference fortune employment insurance to be in this package. will the president sign a bill that doesn't include
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unemployment insurance? he side step that making you wonder if the president may do that. we've heard from jay carny. he said that it is important that unemployment insurance is passed. the vehicle doesn't matter so much. so i think you heard president obama pressing for it last week. he did dedicate his weekly address. i think he will push for it when you talk about 1.3 million americans whos aring who unemployment benefits. when it comes to this bill, it sounds like he will sign it. >> stay here for our continuing breaking news coverage of the budget deal and we'll be back after this. avo: the volkswagen "sign then drive sales event is back. which means it's never been easier to get a new passat, awarded j.d. power's most appealing midsize car, two years in a row. and right now you can drive one home for practically just your signature.
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we're back. we're following news of a budget deal reached on capitol hill. let me ask you, we just heard from white house correspondent that the white house pretty much likes this bill. don't you think it is really just a short term fix that addiction can down the road on so many other long material problems? >> absolutely. but it is probably from the white house point of view, better than going through another budget fight and another ballooned economy. nobody was specking a big deal. i think expectations were set very low and they have met those expectations. >> sorry, paul ryan. >> and final question for you, congress person. from my point of view, this is a small breakthrough but an
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historic breakthrough. we see the end of the shutdowns, tend of the spending caps. there is a grand bargain out there for you. i think the president wants to bring the deficits down. he will need some tax increases. will you help the president now that we're in a new era looking for the grand bargain? >> this has tax increases. >> they call them fees. >> people in kansas will pay more money to washington and they know how that works. they had a big tax inl crease last january. the problem is spending. this deal raises spending at the end of the day. >> we are, we're very low. we did, we came up a little bit, not a whole lot. we're in a new era. there could be another bipartisan deal that could be more to your liking for deficit reduction. you and i both know, you will have to accept some tax releases. are you willing to get the debt off the backs. your kids? are you willing to compromise or
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whatever the word is with this president? >> this deal does not help the economy. we need a growing economy. we need less regulations and we haven't even talked about the president's health care plan. you have to roll back on something. >> i have to say that continuing with this sequester, this austerity budget which it is by any other term is the worst for the economy. it kills job growth. it kills investment. it is the poorest of economics. that's why we're not fully recovered. if congress would get out of the way, i think the economy would have fully recovered. >> i want to thank both of you for being here. the rest of you, i want to you stay engaged with us. to go facebook or twitter to weigh in on our fire back question. are you happy with the budget deal? right now 40% of you say yes. 60% of you say no. the debate will continue online at as well as facebook and twitter. from the left.
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i'm van joenls and i'm happy. >> from the right, i'm s.e. cupp and i'll wait to see. join us tomorrow for another edition of "crossfire." erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. coming up next, news. republicans and democrats reach a crucial budget deal tonight. who won? who lost? we have the details for you. plus an historic gathering of world leaders in south africa today. did president obama's handshake distract from nelson mandela's memorial? and a family of six found alive after two days lost in the freezing wilderness. great news. we'll go to nevada for the latest. good evening, everyone. news, there is a budget deal in washington. bipartisan negotiato


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